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For Immediate Release For Further Information Contact:
November 27, 2006 Kathy Arberg (202) 479-3211

The Supreme Court will release the audio recording of oral argument in the following cases on an expedited basis: Parents Involved v. Seattle School District No. 1 and Meredith v. Jefferson County Board of Education, scheduled on Monday, December 4. The audio recording will be released shortly after the conclusion of each of the arguments.

Sources for the oral argument audio recording will be as follows:


  • The audio recording will be provided to the network pool, which will in turn provide an offsite, simultaneous feed to member news organizations.


  • The audio recording will be made available in the House and Senate Radio and Television Galleries at the U.S. Capitol on Capitol Hill DA #9. Only press holding proper Congressional credentials will be allowed in the Galleries.

Playback of the audio will be provided as soon as possible following the conclusion of each of the oral arguments. The recording of the argument will be played in its entirety one time only. The feed of this recording is intended for broadcasters only. Contact ABC News at (202) 222-7600 for more information.

The recording will be made available to the public through the National Archives. Please contact Charles DeArman of the National Archives at (301) 837-1649 or Mark Meader at (301) 837-1970.



SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543