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For Immediate Release For Further Information Contact:
March 18, 2010 Kathy Arberg (202) 479-3211

Today the Court will commence in-house hosting of its Web site, assuming site management responsibilities from the Government Printing Office (GPO), which had provided hosting services since the site's inception ten years ago.  The Court received funding in its FY 2010 appropriation to make the transition from GPO to in-house management.  That transition will enable the Court to integrate the Web site with the Court’s other operations, improve the quality of the site, and expand services for the public's benefit.  The Web address for the site will change from to, but either address will provide access through July 1, 2010.

Visitors will find that the Supreme Court Web site has an updated and more user-friendly design.  The site continues to provide online access to the Court’s slip opinions, orders, oral argument transcripts, schedules, Court rules, bar admission forms, and other familiar information.  But it also has several new features, including enhanced search capabilities, an interactive argument calendar, improved graphics, and additional historic information. The Court plans to continue to update and expand the site’s features over time. The process of launching the new design may occur over several hours, but the new version of the Web site should be available to all users by the end of the day.



SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543