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Oral Argument - Audio

Nat. Fed'n of Indep. Bus. v. Dept. of Labor
Docket Number: 21A244
Date Argued: 01/07/22
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* During oral arguments in NFIB v. Dept. of Labor, OSHA, et al./Ohio v. Dept. of Labor, OSHA, et al., on January 7, 2022 approximately 90 seconds of Justice Sotomayor’s questioning (between 20 minutes and 21.5 minutes into the argument) was not recorded on the Court’s audio system or transmitted via the Court’s livestream because of a programming error in the soundboard. The audio was broadcast live in the Courtroom and Court IT staff were able to retrieve the missing audio, albeit the recovered audio is of slightly diminished quality in comparison to the remainder of the recording. The audio file which is now available on the Court’s website contains the complete recording of this oral argument.

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