Supreme Court of the United States
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Docket for 14-992
No. 14-992
Mary C. Mayhew, Commissioner, Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Petitioner
Sylvia Burwell, Secretary of Health and Human Services, et al.
Docketed:February 18, 2015
Lower Ct:United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
  Case Nos.:(14-1300)
  Decision Date:November 17, 2014

~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings  and  Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Feb 12 2015 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due March 20, 2015)
Mar 11 2015 Order extending time to file response to petition to and including April 20, 2015.
Mar 20 2015 Brief amicus curiae of Cato Institute filed.
Mar 23 2015 Waiver of right of respondent Janet Mills, Attorney General of Maine to respond filed.
Apr 16 2015 Order further extending time to file response to petition to and including May 4, 2015.
May 4 2015 Brief of Federal Respondents in opposition filed.
May 14 2015 Reply of petitioners Mary C. Mayhew, Commissioner, Maine Department of Health and Human Services, et al. filed.
May 19 2015 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of June 4, 2015.
Jun 8 2015 Petition DENIED.

~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~Phone~~~
Attorneys for Petitioner:
Clifford Holt Ruprecht 66 Pearl Street207-747-4870
Suite 200
Portland, ME  04101
Party name: Mary C. Mayhew, Commissioner, Maine Department of Health and Human Services, et al.
Attorneys for Respondents:
Christopher C. Taub Office of the Attorney General(207) 626-8565
    Counsel of Record6 State House Station
Augusta, ME  04333-0006
Party name: Janet Mills, Attorney General of Maine
Donald B. Verrilli Jr. Solicitor General(202) 514-2217
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC  20530-0001
Party name: Sylvia Burwell, Secretary of Health and Human Services, et al.
Ilya Shapiro Cato Institute(202) 842-0200
1000 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC  20001
Party name: Cato Institute


SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543