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Docket for 17-1164
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No. 17-1164
Vide 17-1159
Title:Eastern Shoshone Tribe, Petitioner
Wyoming, et al.
Docketed:February 21, 2018
Linked with 17A751
Lower Ct:United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
   Case Numbers:(14-9512, 14-9514)
   Decision Date:November 7, 2017
   Rehearing Denied:
  Discretionary Court Decision Date:
Questions Presented

DateProceedings and Orders
Jan 17 2018Application (17A751) to extend the time to file a petition for a writ of certiorari from February 5, 2018 to March 7, 2018, submitted to Justice Sotomayor.
Main DocumentLower Court Orders/OpinionsProof of Service
Jan 17 2018Application (17A751) granted by Justice Sotomayor extending the time to file until March 7, 2018.
Feb 16 2018Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due March 23, 2018)
PetitionAppendixCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Mar 01 2018Motion to extend the time to file a response from March 23, 2018 to April 23, 2018, submitted to The Clerk.
Main Document
Mar 01 2018Motion to extend the time to file a response from March 23, 2018 to April 23, 2018, submitted to The Clerk.
Main Document
Mar 02 2018Blanket Consent filed by Respondent, State of Wyoming.
Blanket Consent
Mar 06 2018Motions to extend the time to file responses are granted and the time is extended to and including April 23, 2018, for all respondents.
Mar 16 2018Blanket Consent filed by Respondents, Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation, et al.. VIDED
Blanket Consent
Mar 22 2018Brief amici curiae of Law Professors filed. VIDED.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Mar 23 2018Brief amicus curiae of The National Congress of American Indians filed. VIDED.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Apr 17 2018Motion to extend the time to file a response from April 23, 2018 to May 18, 2018, submitted to The Clerk.
Main Document
Apr 18 2018Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is further extended to and including May 18, 2018, for all respondents.
Apr 20 2018Brief of intervenors respondents Fremont County, Wyoming, and City of Riverton, Wyoming in opposition filed. VIDED.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
May 18 2018Brief of respondent State of Wyoming in opposition filed. VIDED.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of ServiceOther
May 18 2018Brief of respondent Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation in opposition filed. VIDED
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
May 18 2018Brief of respondent United States in opposition filed. VIDED
Main DocumentProof of Service
Jun 04 2018Reply of petitioner Eastern Shoshone Tribe filed.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Jun 05 2018DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 6/21/2018.
Jun 25 2018Petition DENIED. Justice Gorsuch took no part in the consideration or decision of this petition.

Attorneys for Petitioner
Seth P. Waxman
    Counsel of Record
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
1875 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Party name: Eastern Shoshone Tribe
Attorneys for Respondents
Jodi Ann Darrough
    Counsel of Record
Fremont County Attorney's Office
450 N. 2nd Street, Room 170
Lander, WY 82520
Party name: Fremont County, Wyoming, and City of Riverton, Wyoming
Noel J. Francisco
    Counsel of Record
Solicitor General
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Party name: United States
James C. Kaste
    Counsel of Record
Wyoming Attorney General's Office
Office of the Attorney General, 123 Capitol Building
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Party name: State of Wyoming
William Perry Pendley
    Counsel of Record
Mountain States Legal Foundation
2596 South Lewis Way
Lakewood, CO 80277
Party name: Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation
Richard B. Collins
    Counsel of Record
University of Colorado
401 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309
Party name: Law Professors
Stephen R. Ward
    Counsel of Record
Conner & Winters
4000 One Williams Center
Tulsa, OK 74172
(918) 586-8978
Party name: The National Congress of American Indians


SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543