No. 23-939
Title:Donald J. Trump, Petitioner
United States
Docketed:February 28, 2024
Linked with 23A745
Lower Ct:United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
   Case Numbers:(23-3228)
   Decision Date:February 6, 2024
   Rehearing Denied:
  Discretionary Court Decision Date:
Questions Presented

DateProceedings and Orders
Feb 12 2024Application (23A745) for a stay, submitted to The Chief Justice.
Main DocumentProof of Service
Feb 12 2024Petition for a writ of certiorari filed.
Feb 13 2024Response to application (23A745) requested by The Chief Justice, due February 20, 2024, by 4pm (EST).
Feb 13 2024Brief amicus curiae of Jon Danforth, J. Michael Luttig, Carter Phillips, Peter Keisler, Larry Thompson, Stuart Gerson, et al. filed.
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Feb 13 2024Brief amicus curiae of Constitutional Law Scholars filed.
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Feb 14 2024Response to application from respondent United States filed.
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Feb 14 2024Brief amicus curiae of Protect Democracy Project filed.
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Feb 15 2024Reply of applicant Donald J. Trump filed.
ReplyProof of Service
Feb 15 2024Brief amicus curiae of David Boyle filed.
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Feb 16 2024Brief amicus curiae of Alabama and 21 Other States filed.
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Feb 19 2024Brief amicus curiae of Christian Family Coalition filed.
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Feb 19 2024Brief amicus curiae of Jeremy Bates filed.
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Feb 20 2024Brief amicus curiae of Former Attorney General Edwin Meese III, Law Professors Steven Calabresi and Gary Lawson, and Citizens United filed.
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Feb 28 2024Application (23A745) referred to the Court.
Feb 28 2024Petition GRANTED.
Feb 28 2024The application for a stay presented to The Chief Justice is referred by him to the Court. The Special Counsel’s request to treat the stay application as a petition for a writ of certiorari s granted (23-939), and that petition is granted limited to the following question: Whether and if so to what extent does a former President enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office. Without expressing a view on the merits, this Court directs the Court of Appeals to continue withholding issuance of the mandate until the sending down of the judgment of this Court. The application for stay is dismissed as moot. The case will be set for oral argument during the week of April 22, 2024. Petitioner’s brief on the merits, and any amicus curiae briefs in support or in support of neither party, are to be filed on or before Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Respondent’s brief on the merits, and any amicus curiae briefs in support, are to be filed on or before Monday, April 8, 2024. The reply brief, if any, is to be filed on or before 5 p.m., Monday, April 15, 2024.
Feb 29 2024Record requested from the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
Mar 01 2024Record received electronically from the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and available with the Clerk.
Mar 01 2024Record received from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. The record is electronic and is available on PACER.
Mar 06 2024SET FOR ARGUMENT on Thursday, April 25, 2024.
Mar 12 2024Brief amicus curiae of Matthew D. Wilson filed.
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Mar 18 2024Brief amicus curiae of Guardian Defense Fund, Inc. in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)
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Mar 19 2024Brief amici curiae of Alabama and 17 Other States filed.
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Mar 19 2024Brief of petitioner Donald J. Trump filed.
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Mar 19 2024Joint appendix filed. (Statement of costs filed)
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Mar 19 2024Brief amicus curiae of Condemned USA filed.
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Mar 19 2024Brief amici curiae of Coolidge Reagan Foundation, et al. filed.
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Mar 19 2024Brief amicus curiae of Senator Steve Daines and National Republican Senatorial Committee filed.
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Mar 19 2024Brief amici curiae of Ohio, et al. filed.
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Mar 19 2024Brief amicus curiae of The American Center for Law and Justice filed.
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Mar 19 2024Brief amici curiae of United States Justice Foundation, et al. filed.
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Mar 19 2024Brief amici curiae of Former United States Attorney General John D. Ashcroft, et al. in support of neither party filed.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Mar 19 2024Brief amici curiae of Three Former Senior Military Officers and Executive Branch Officials filed.
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Mar 19 2024Brief amici curiae of Kansas Republican Party and 17 Other State and Territorial Republican Parties filed.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Mar 19 2024Brief amici curiae of Former Attorneys General Edwin Meese III and Michael B. Mukasey; Law Professors Steven Calabresi and Gary Lawson; and Citizens United filed.
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Mar 19 2024Brief amicus curiae of Christian Family Coalition (CFC) Florida, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit Corporation filed.
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Mar 19 2024Brief amici curiae of America's Future, et al. filed.
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Mar 19 2024Brief amici curiae of Gavin M. Wax, et al. filed.
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Mar 19 2024Brief amicus curiae of Former White House Chief of Staff Mark R. Meadows in support of neither party filed.
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Mar 19 2024Brief amici curiae of U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, et al. filed.
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Mar 19 2024Brief amicus curiae of Citizens Equal Rights Foundation in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)
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Mar 19 2024Brief amicus curiae of David Boyle in support of neither party filed. (Distributed)
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Mar 29 2024Any motion pertaining to the oral argument in this case shall be filed on or before Monday, April 8, 2024.
Apr 04 2024Brief amici curiae of John Danforth, et al. filed. (Distributed)
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Apr 05 2024Brief amicus curiae of G. Antaeus B. Edelsohn filed. (Distributed)
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Apr 08 2024Brief of respondent United States filed. (Distributed)
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Apr 08 2024Brief amicus curiae of Leadership Now Project filed. (Distributed)
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Apr 08 2024Brief amicus curiae of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed. (Distributed)
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Apr 08 2024Brief amicus curiae of Jeremy Bates filed. (Distributed)
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Apr 08 2024Brief amici curiae of Scholars of Constitutional Law filed. (Distributed)
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Apr 08 2024Brief amici curiae of Former Government Officials and Constitutional Lawyers filed. (Distributed)
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Apr 08 2024Brief amici curiae of Retired Four-Star Admirals and Generals, and Former Secretaries of the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force filed. (Distributed)
Main DocumentProof of ServiceCertificate of Word Count
Apr 08 2024Brief amici curiae of Scholars of the Founding Era filed. (Distributed)
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Apr 08 2024Amicus brief of Common Cause not accepted for filing. (April 10, 2024)
Apr 08 2024Brief amicus curiae of Common Cause filed. (Distributed)
Main DocumentCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Apr 08 2024Brief amicus curiae of Public Citizen filed. (Distributed)
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Apr 08 2024Brief amici curiae of Stephen R. McAllister and Scott Paul filed. (Distributed)
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Apr 08 2024Brief amici curiae of Claire Finkelstein and Fourteen Other National Security Professionals filed. (Distributed)
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Apr 08 2024Brief amici curiae of ACLU, et al. filed. (Distributed)
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Apr 08 2024Brief amicus curiae of Puerto Rico House of Representatives filed. (Distributed)
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Apr 08 2024Brief amicus curiae of Professor Martin S. Lederman filed. (Distributed)
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Apr 15 2024Amicus brief of Thomas Ogden not accepted for filing. (April 16, 2024)
Apr 15 2024Reply of petitioner Donald J. Trump filed. (Distributed)
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Apr 25 2024Argued. For petitioner: D. John Sauer, St. Louis, Mo. For respondent: Michael R. Dreeben, Counselor to the Special Counsel, Department of Justice, Washington, D. C.
Jul 01 2024Judgment VACATED and case REMANDED. Roberts, C. J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh, JJ., joined in full, and in which Barrett, J., joined except as to Part III-C. Thomas, J., filed a concurring opinion. Barrett, J., filed an opinion concurring in part. Sotomayor, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which Kagan and Jackson, JJ., joined. Jackson, J., filed a dissenting opinion.

Attorneys for Petitioner
D. John Sauer
    Counsel of Record
James Otis Law Group, LLC
13321 North Outer Forty Rd.
Suite 300
St. Louis, MO 63017
Party name: Donald J. Trump
William Owen ScharfJames Otis Law Group LLC
13321 North Outer Forty Road
St. Louis, MO 63017
Party name: Donald J. Trump
Attorneys for Respondent
Michael R. Dreeben
    Counsel of Record
Counselor to the Special Counsel
Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20530
Party name: United States
Dan Backer
    Counsel of Record
Chalmers, Adams, Backer & Kaufman LLC
441 North Lee Street, Suite 300
Alexandria, VA 22314

Party name: Coolidge Reagan Foundation and Shaun McCutcheon
H. Christopher Bartolomucci
    Counsel of Record
Schaerr | Jaffe LLP
1717 K Street NW
Suite 900
Washington, DC 20006

Party name: Three Former Senior Military Officers and Executive Branch Officials
Jeremy Charles Bates
    Counsel of Record
21 West Street Apt 21J
New York, NY 10006
Party name: Jeremy Bates
Richard Douglas Bernstein
    Counsel of Record
1875 K Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20006
Party name: John Danforth, et al.
David Christopher Boyle
    Counsel of Record
PO Box 15143
Long Beach, CA 90815
Party name: David Boyle
David D. Cole
    Counsel of Record
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation
915 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
Gregory L. Diskant
    Counsel of Record
Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler, LLP
1133 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
(212) 336-2000
Party name: Common Cause
P. Benjamin DeWitt Duke
    Counsel of Record
Covington & Burling
620 8th Avenue
New York, NY 10018
212 8411072
Party name: Leadership Now Project
Joan Deborah Bolinsky Edelsohn
    Counsel of Record
460 Center Street
Unit 6045
Moraga, CA 94570-6045
(415) 944-9509
Party name: G. Antaeus B. Edelsohn
Brianne Jenna Gorod
    Counsel of Record
Constitutional Accountability Center
1200 18th Street, NW
Suite 501
Washington, DC 20036

202 296 6889
Party name: Scholars of Constitutional Law
Dennis Grossman
    Counsel of Record
6701 Sunset Drive
Suite 104
Miami, FL 33143
Party name: Christian Family Coalition (CFC) Florida, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit Corporation
Kathleen Roberta Hartnett
    Counsel of Record
Cooley LLP
3 Embarcadero Center
20th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111

(415) 693-2000
Party name: Retired Four-Star Admirals and Generals, and Former Secretaries of the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force
Mark Fernlund Hearne II
    Counsel of Record
True North Law, LLC
112 S. Hanley Road
Suite 200
St. Louis, MO 63105
(314) 296-4000
Party name: Former United States Attorney General John D. Ashcroft and Constitutional Coalition
Erik S. Jaffe
    Counsel of Record
Schaerr | Jaffe LLP
1717 K Street, N.W., Suite 900
Washington, DC 20006

Party name: Stephen R. McAllister and Scott Paul
Lawrence A. Kogan
    Counsel of Record
The Kogan Law Group, P.C.
100 United Nations Plaza
Suite # 14F
New York, NY 10017

Party name: Citizens Equal Rights Foundation
Edmund Gerard LaCour Jr.
    Counsel of Record
Office of the Attorney General
501 Washington Ave
Montgomery, AL 36130

Party name: Alabama and 17 Other States
Martin Seth Lederman
    Counsel of Record
600 New Jersey Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20001
Party name: Professor Martin S. Lederman
Jonathan Philip Lienhard
    Counsel of Record
Holtzman Vogel Baran Torchinsky Josefiak PLLC
15405 John Marshall Hwy
Haymarket, VA 20169
Party name: National Republican Senatorial Committee and Senator Steve Daines
Jonathan Edward Maier
    Counsel of Record
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics
1331 F Street NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20004
Party name: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
Jorge Martinez-Luciano
    Counsel of Record
ML & RE Law Office
Cobian's Plaza, Suite 404
1607 Ponce De Leon Ave.
San Juan, PR 00909
Party name: Puerto Rico House of Representatives
Chad Dustin Morgan
    Counsel of Record
Law Office of Chad Morgan, APC
1950 W. Corporate Way
Anaheim, CA 92801
(951) 667-1927
Party name: United States Justice Foundation & Policy Issues Institute, Inc.
Scott Lawrence Nelson
    Counsel of Record
Public Citizen Litigation Group
1600 20th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20009

Party name: Public Citizen
Thomas Fuller Ogden
    Counsel of Record
Attorney At Law
1108 W. Valley Blvd. 6-862
Alhambra, CA 91803
Party name: Thomas Ogden
William Jeffrey Olson
    Counsel of Record
William J. Olson, P.C.
370 Maple Ave. W., Suite 4
Vienna, VA 22180

Party name: America's Future, Judicial Action Group, Gun Owners of America, Gun Owners Fdn., Gun Owners of Calif., Tenn. Firearms Assoc., Tenn. Firearms Fdn., U.S. Constitutional Rights Legal Def. Fund, and Conservative Legal Def. and Ed. Fund
Richard William Painter
    Counsel of Record
University of Minnesota Law School
229 19th Avenue S.
Minneapolis MN, MN 55455
George T. Pallas
    Counsel of Record
George T. Pallas, P.A.
2420 Coral Way
Miami, FL 33145
Party name: Condemned USA
Edward Andrew Paltzik
    Counsel of Record
Bochner PLLC
1040 Avenue of the Americas
15th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Party name: Gavin M. Wax, New York Young Republican Club Inc., National Constitutional Law Union Inc., and Paul Ingrassia
Lawrence Saul Robbins
    Counsel of Record
Friedman Kaplan Seiler Adelman & Robbins LLP
7 Times Square
28th Floor
New York, NY 10036-6516

Party name: Scholars of the Founding Era
Gene Clayton Schaerr
    Counsel of Record
Schaerr | Jaffe
1717 K Street NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20006

Party name: Former Attorneys General Edwin Meese III and Michael B. Mukasey; Law Professors Steven Calabresi and Gary Lawson; and Citizens United
Jay Alan Sekulow
    Counsel of Record
American Center for Law and Justice
201 Maryland Avenue, N.E.
Washington, DC 20002
Party name: The American Center for Law and Justice
Allen James Shoff
    Counsel of Record
Davillier Law Group
414 Church Street, Suite 106
Sandpoint, ID 83864
Party name: Guardian Defense Fund, Inc.
Judd Edward Stone II
    Counsel of Record
Stone | Hilton PLLC
P.O. Box 150112
Austin, TX 78715
(737) 465-7248
Party name: U.S. Senator Roger Marshall and Twenty-Six Other Members of Congress
George J. Terwilliger III
    Counsel of Record
Terwilliger Law PLLC
PO Box 74
Delaplane, VA 20144
(202) 255-0553
Party name: Former White House Chief of Staff Mark R. Meadows
Craig Lee Uhrich
    Counsel of Record
McGowne & Uhrich P.A.
222 Center Avenue
Oakley, KS 67748
Party name: Kansas Republican Party and 17 Other State and Territorial Republican Parties
Seth P. Waxman
    Counsel of Record
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
2100 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20037

Party name: Former Government Officials and Constitutional Lawyers
George Robinson Wentz Jr.Davillier Law Group LLC
935 Gravier Street
Ste. 1702
New Orleans, LA 70112
(504) 582-6998
Party name: Guardian Defense Fund, Inc.
Matthew Daniel Wilson
    Counsel of Record
The Law Office of Matthew Wilson, PLLC
2218-B West Main Street
Tupelo, MS 38801
Party name: Matthew D. Wilson
David Anthony Yost
    Counsel of Record
Ohio Attorney General
30 E. Broad Street, 17th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Party name: States of Ohio, Alaska, and Wyoming